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Onida, South Dakota

"The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus"
Through prayer, education and action we help support marriages and families and build a culture of life in our community.
Some of the activities our committee organizes within St. Pius X are:
Welcome Baby Sunday
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Appreciation Sunday
World Day of Prayer
New Family Welcome
Advent Baby ShowerSupport of the CCD program and youth retreats
Support of the CCD program and youth retreats
We also reach out to families in need and those home bound, hospitalized or have experienced the loss of a loved one.
Baby Bottle Fundraiser
Baby bottles are handed out on Mother's day for parishioners to save their loose change or cash in to help raise money to support our activities. The bottles are then returned to the church on Father's day.
This is the only fundraiser to support our activities.
Advent Baby Shower
During advent a crib is set out in the church for baby items that parishioners donate. This is a collection for local needy families or if there is no local need the items are sent to Planning Life office in Sioux Falls.
Activity Dates
World Day of Prayer - 1st Friday in March
Appreciation Sunday - 1st Sunday in March
Welcome Baby Sunday - 1st Sunday in October
Advent Baby Shower - 1st Sunday of Advent - Christmas season
We invite anyone who is interested in joining our committee to please contact the parish secretary.

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